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WGIN members to implement Blue-Green infrastructure projects in Poland

Photo “PIASTÓW”: © psdz The Polish Green Roof Association (PSDZ) together with the Norwegian Association for Green Infrastructure (NFGI), both WGIN members, will implement Blue-Green Infrastructure projects in two Polish cities: Konin and Piastów, in the frame of the “Environment, energy and climate change” program co-financed by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021. The project implemented in Konin is called “Green corridors in the city – climatic awakening in Konin” and the planned activities will take place from September 1st 2021 to April 30th 2024. The project in Piastów is called “Creation of green-blue infrastructure in the city of Piastów” and the planned activities will last from January 1st 2022 to November 30th 2023. The implementation of the projects will contribute to strengthening the resilience of cities to the negative effects of climate change. In addition, the project aims to raise public awareness of climate change, as well as to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in cities with less than 90,000 inhabitants. The planned activities are to support the implementation of projects related to the adaptation of cities to climate change and mitigation of climate change. The planned activities in both cities include: construction of new green roofs and living walls, rain gardens, unsealing of pavements and educational activities such as conferences and workshops. The presence of both cities on the list of program beneficiaries is a great success for all those involved in the preparation of the description of planned activities. Grants were awarded to 19 applicants, with a total of over 90 cities participating in the competition.

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Competition for the best diploma thesis on green roofs and living walls

In the fall of 2020, PSDZ for the first time launched a competition for authors of master’s and engineering theses on green roofs and walls. Competition works were sent by the end of January 2021, and the results of the competition were announced in March. Diploma theses for the competition were sent from 12 universities from all over Poland. The awards are of a financial nature and free annual membership in the Polish Green Roof Association. In addition, in the case of engineering diploma theses, the first prize was a 2-week internship at Optigrün in Germany; and for the second place – a 2-week internship at Optigrün in Poland. Members of the jury awarded prizes for: –        high substantive and graphic level –        originality of the design idea –        application of solutions limiting the influence of the building on the environment and local climate In the category of master’s theses, the winners were: 1st place – Paula Karpowicz and Anna Karbowska from Cracow University of Technology, supervisor:  Barbara Zin, PhD 2nd place – Aleksandra Irzyk from Cracow University of Technology, supervisor: Tomasz Kapecki, PhD 3rd place – Magdalena Bieryło from University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw, supervisor: Janusz Marchwiński, PhD  In the category of engineering diploma theses: 1st place – Łukasz Modrzejewski from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, supervisor: Tomasz Głowacki, PhD 2nd place – Marcelina Smolarczyk from Cracow University of Technology, supervisor: Izabela Styka, PhD 3rd place – the jury did not award the third place

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Green roofs in the national program “Moja woda” (“My Water”)

As a result of the PSDZ petition, green roofs are included in the national program “Moja woda” (“My Water”) – as confirmation of the success of our efforts, the Polish Green Roofs Association received an official letter from the Minister of Climate and Environment. “Moja woda” is a national government program that was opened in 2020 and the deadline for submitting applications is 30/06/2024. From this year, owners of private properties can apply for reimbursement of the costs of purchase, delivery and construction of rainwater retention systems on roofs (green roofs). The program aims to protect water resources and minimize drought in Poland by increasing the retention in private home gardens and the use of retained rainwater and snowmelt, including the development of green and blue infrastructure. The strategic goal of the program is to increase the level of protection against the effects of climate change and natural threats (in accordance with the directions of activities set out in the “Strategic Adaptation Plan for sectors and areas sensitive to climate change until 2020 with a perspective until 2030” and the National Environmental Policy 2030 – development strategy in the field of environment and water management). This is the first national program in Poland that includes partial financing of green roofs.

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