About us.
Learn about World Green Infrastructure Network and our global mission.

Our mission is to advocate and promote the integration of green infrastructure in urban planning, globally.
Since 2009 WGIN has expanded to represent 22 National Associations and has held 10 World Green Infrastructure Congresses. WGIN has established supportive working research committees and has an active enthusiastic board of directors representing 11 nations.
As a registered Not-For-Profit association our primary driver is passion and a strong united belief that our world must develop in respect and synergy with nature.
The transition from ‘grey to green and blue infrastructure’ for building and urban design is the goal of our efforts as a collaborative global network because “vegetation makes it possible”.
In 2019, WGIN set up a European Chapter with the aim of raising awareness among EU policymakers about the multiple benefits of green infrastructure.
The Head Quarter of World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN) has been in July 2023 re-allocated from Canda to Europe. It is located in Slovenia and is registered as non for profit association, with full legal address:
Društvo WGIN
Trata 31
4220 Škofja Loka
Reg.ID Nr.: 2709481000
WGIN is governed by official registered “Statutes of Association” that can be downloaded here:

Our Objectives.
Integration advocates.
To be a global advocate for the integration of green infrastructure in urban areas.
Spread awareness.
To share information about green roof infrastructure science, practice, economics and environmental and social benefits.
Green city planning.
To provide support data for green city planning.
Research & Development.
To promote and engage in green infrastructure research and development with like-minded associations and companies.
Annual congress.
To hold an annual World Green Infrastructure Congress WGIC.
climate benefits.
To promote the benefits of green infrastructure in mitigating the impacts of climate change on urban populations.
The Multifunctional Urban Green Infrastructure Book
The book “Multifunctional Urban Green Infrastructure” is a fruitful collaboration between institutions, organizations, companies and experts in green urban infrastructures under the common idea that Humanity needs sustainable development, where urban areas must seek ecosystem services.
The solutions to many problems can be solved under the experience of nature that for thousands of years has adapted to the environment.
We present the experience of specialists in a wide range of disciplines, which deal with issues such as mimicry, energy-saving, landscape or urban planning.
Throughout 352 pages, the publications include 17 chapters with 30 authors from 17 countries. There is a special section, which describes the international and national organization of 30 countries. Colour photography, tables and graphs facilitate reading and understanding the theme of green urban infrastructure.
History of
World Green Infrastructure Network.
Leaders of several national green roof organizations first discussed the formation of an international green building technology organization in Chicago in 2003, and at subsequent green roof events in Portland (2004), Basel (2004), and Washington (2005). It was in Boston in 2006 that the first steps towards a legally chartered organization were taken.
The following year, 2007, at the Green Roofs for Healthy Cities “Greening Rooftops for Sustainable Communities” Conference in Minneapolis, WGIN held it’s first official meeting. Germany’s Manfred Köhler was named chairperson, and North America’s Steven Peck accepted responsibility for ongoing formal activities to move the organization forward. With all legal aspects of the organization settled by 2008, active membership was pursued at the GRHC Conference in Baltimore, and six organizations from seven nations came on board as Founding Members of WGIN. Given the rapid growth in the green roofs, walls and infrastructure industry, WGIN targeted strong organizational growth over the next several years. It is a challenging world, and green building technology is one solution to tackling the impacts of climate change that affect us all. WGIN still strongly believes cooperative effort is needed to work for a better, greener and more sustainable world.
As a decision at the AGM in Nantes, France in 2013, the name was changed to the World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN). As the industry had evolved, so too had the concept of green city urban planning and a transition away from traditional grey infrastructure practices. Our association responded to support and promote all components of green infrastructure whilst retaining a primary focus on Building Integrated Vegetation systems (BIV). Our primary manifesto may be refined to “vegetation makes it possible”
Our primary objective remains to foster support for National associations to expand and contribute to a global green revolution. Our most active support to nations is holding the World Green Infrastructure Congress in a different nation annually since 2009. To financially support our congress and research committees we accept memberships from Corporations; Nations; Companies and Individuals. WGIN also welcomes likeminded affiliations with other associations such as the EU Environmental Agency and EFB, amongst many others.
For a personal view of back to the fist ten years of our network have a look at our brochure:
Meet the board.
The World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN) brings together national and regional industry associations to promote the development of the green infrastructure industry through training, research, advocacy for new policy, conferences, publications, and promotion.
The WGIN Board holds online meetings each month and the AGM is held in conjunction with our annual congress (WGIC).

Manfred Koehler
President - Germany
Manfred Koehler was elected WGIN President in Baltimore on Tuesday 29nd April 2008. He was reconfirmed in Mexico City 2010, in Hangzhou 2012 and in Sydney 2014. He is since 2008 Vice dean of the Department Landscape Science and Geometrics at the University of Applied Sciences. He works on themes related to environmental impact assessment studies and restoration projects during Harbour development and extension planning; as well as restoration planning of wetland areas. He also is part of the BuGG Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V.

Hema Kumar
Vice President - Asia relations
World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN) – Vice President, Indian Green Infrastructure Network (IGIN) – Founder Chairman, ZTC International Landscape Solution PVT LTD – Managing Director.
Pioneered the concept of Landscape Engineering in India. For more than two decades involved in designing and implementing more than 1500 projects. Principle and Team Head in Designing and Implementing one of the Tallest Green Wall in the World.

David Brasfield
Secretary - Norway
David Brasfield has been a WGIN board member since 2017, is a previous Chairperson for the Scandinavian Green Infrastructure Association, and is currently Chairperson for the Norwegian Association for Green Infrastructure.
David has a professional background as an architect and building engineer with decades of experience in urban renewal, urban planning, sustainability planning and policy, and environmental management. David has initiated new developments in WGIN such as The Chapter for Emerging Professionals, the Open Green Infrastructure Database and the present working group promoting the role of green infrastructure in post-conflict reconstruction.
David lives with his teen-aged daughter and dog on the Nesodden Peninsula close to Oslo and is particularly interested in the connections between nature, green infrastructure, health and health facilities.

Jure Šumi
treasuer/ Board member - Slovenia
Jure Šumi, has for the past 20 years been involved in Sustainable development and Urban Green Infrastructure in Building & Construction sector. Currently he holds position of Group Brand & Digital Manager at company Knauf Insulation where he is also responsible for Green Solution Advocacy focusing on importance of vegetated building envelope for creating sustainable cities.
Since 2018 he is active member of the World Green Infrastructure Network and is WGIN’s representative and spokesperson for green industry on the EU level, actively influencing EU’s green infrastructure policies. In August 2021 he was promoted to the board of WGIN and is official representative of WGIN at the EU Bauhaus project.
He is also a President of Slovenian Green Infrastructure Association and regular guest speaker on international events related to urban green infrastructure.

Steven Peck
Board member - Canada
Steven W. Peck is the founder and president of Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, a non-profit industry association that is working to build the green roof and wall industry across North America. Green Roofs for Healthy Cities has over 2,000 members ranging from individuals to multinational corporations. The association has developed a Green Roof Professional Accreditation program with over 650 accredited GRPs, advocates for public policy support of the industry, facilitates research, organizes an annual conference – CitiesAlive and publishes a quarterly magazine called the Living Architecture Monitor and the scientific Journal of Living Architecture. Steven is also founding member and secretary/treasurer of WGIN.

Patrick Blanc
Dr Patrick Blanc has pioneered Vertical Garden design and installations since 1986 in Paris. His projects are now the most comprehensive portfolio in the world . Patrick has received a multitude of awards for such buildings as One Central Park in Sydney and his reputation globally is indisputable. WGIN is honoured to have Patrick as an Ambassador for our global advocacy.

Julian Briz
Board member - Spain
Julian is presiden of the PRONATUR Spanish Society of Urban and Rural Naturation (Sociedad Española de Promoción de la Naturación Urbana y Rural). It was founded as a NFP association with the goal of improving the urban and rural environment through technical, scientific, and entrepreneurial efforts. Julian represents Spain on the WGIN board and has been an active member since early foundation, with his wife Dr Isabelle Briz. Julian’ expertise is in the field of Urban Farming as a sustainable solution to increasing populations and higher demands for food sources. Julian has worked closely with European Economic Community and the European Union to establish quantifiable research data on urban agriculture with a focus on building roof tops and facades.

Andres Ibanez
Board member - Colombia
Andres is WGIN board member since 2014. He works at the organisation Red Colombiana de Infraestructura Vegetada (RECIVE) COLOMBIA. He is a founding member of the Latin American Association of Vegetated Infrastructure, LAGIN aswell as a founding member of the China Green Building Council (Hong Kong Chapter). His expertise lay in the field of Living Architectural Systems & Design Sustainable vegetated infrastructure in Bogotá.

Aslan Jonoubi
Board member - Iran
Iranian Green Roof & infrastructure Association (IGRA) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization; in cooperation with governmental as well as private institutions to promote and construct Greenspaces. As a representative of WGIN, IGRA has registered and established standards and regulations of Green Roof Design in Iran via the city councils. In-order to promote and inspire sustainable attributes we have attended annual most conferences hosted by GHRC worldwide, and have also released presentations as well as articles and have hosted many symposiums and seminars throughout Iran.

Eugenia (Yi-Jiung) Lin
Board member - Taiwan
Eugenia Lin is the Executive Director and part of the Academic Committee of the Taiwan Green Roof & Green Wall Association.

Zhaolong Wang
Board member - China
Zhaolong Wang is a Professor at the School of Agriculture & Biology, Jiaotong University, Shanghai. Wang is also Secretary General of the Chinese Green roof organization IRLA, “Green Roof Association: International Rooftop Landscaping”.

Marta Weber-Siwirska
Board member - Poland
Marta is a Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (Specialising in Landscape Architecture) and si the president of the Polish Green Roof Association (PGRA).

Benedict Essuman-Quainoo
Board member - Ghana/Hong kong
Benedict Essuman-Quainoo, Ph.D., is the President and founding member of WGIN’s Chapter for Emerging Professionals (CEP).
He specializes in green infrastructure (green roofs and green walls) and nature-based solutions promotion in underserved and understudied regions worldwide

Oleksandra Strashok
Wgin special envoy for post conflict resolution
Oleksandra Strashok is a Head & Co-founder of Ukrainian Association of Green Infrastructure (UAGI). She has a PhD in biological sciences in turf management and for the last 8 years her research interests have been focused on urban ecology. She promotes the networking of practical experts, researchers and decision-makers to create effective solutions for creating resilient cities. The war in Ukraine was one of the triggers for the creation of the UAGI and an attempt to incorporate networking into the future post-war reconstruction of the country’s green infrastructure.

Corné van Garderen
Board member - The netherlands
Corné van Garderen founded Sempergreen at 18, driven by a belief in the potential of green roofs. Despite initial skepticism, he secured investment and launched a plant nursery, soon expanding to green roofs and groundcover systems. As green roofs gained popularity, Sempergreen introduced living walls, creating the SemperGreenwall system. Over 28 years, Corné grew Sempergreen into a global leader in sustainable construction, promoting biodiversity and addressing urban challenges. In July 2024, he transitioned from CEO to Chairman, leaving daily operations to new co-CEOs, while continuing to advocate for greener cities and sustainable building practices.

Senthil Nathan
Board member - UAE/India
Senthil Nathan is an entrepreneurial and results-driven business leader with over 30 years of experience in the horticulture and landscaping industry. Proven track record of driving growth, optimizing operations, and building strong, cohesive teams. Gover Group of Companies stands as a pioneering leader in the
horticulture and landscaping industry across the Middle East, with over 30 years of expertise.

Leila Tolderlund
Board member - Denmark
Leila Tolderlund is a World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN) board member.She is Assistant Professor at University of Copenhagen and ambassador for the promotion of green infrastructure projects in Denmark and Scandinavia.Her main area of expertise is in urban living systems – design/planning, theory, implementation and maintenance, climate adaptation, resilience and public health. She promotes holistic, critical and innovate design thinking in research, practice and maintenance of green roofs, green walls and living systems.
Leila is LEED AP and GRP accredited and practices landscape architecture as a consultant on projects related to green roofs, living walls, green facades and climate adaptation. She is an often-used speaker at national and international green infrastructure conferences

Zoë Avery
Zoë Avery brings over two decades of expertise in urban design, planning, landscape and sustainable development to the WGIN board. As the Associate Director of Design (Urban Planning) at the University of Auckland’s School of Architecture and Planning, she leads transformative research in regenerative design, biodiversity, and nature-based solutions. As Chair of Design for Nature and Director of The Urbanist and of the Australasian Green Infrastructure Network she actively advocates for integrating nature-based solutions into urban environments, emphasising the critical connection between urban development and ecological sustainability.
Zoë’s significant contributions include spearheading New Zealand’s first Living Roof Guide (Pukapuka tātaki ki te mataora tuanui), which earned the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects Landscape Publication Award in 2019. Zoë’s leadership in both academia and industry positions her as a valuable advocate for WGIN’s mission to create more sustainable and resilient cities through green infrastructure solutions.