EU Chapter

EU Chapter.

At its Board meeting in Oslo in 2019, WGIN decided to set up an EU Chapter of the network, with the aim of increasing the awareness of EU policymakers about the multiple benefits of green and blue infrastructure with a specific focus on building integrated vegetative systems (green roof and living walls).

The EU Chapter goal is to increase the number of square meters of green and blue infrastructure in European cities delivering benefits to citizens, the economy and the environment.

Thus far, four leading companies in the green roofs and walls sector have agreed to participate in WGIN’s EU Chapter and contribute to implementing its advocacy effort. These firms are: Urbanscape by Knauf Insulation, Sempergreen, Sika and Optigrun.

In addition to growing the green roofs and walls market in the near future, the benefits of the WGIN EU Chapter membership, include:

  • Logo exchange and visibility through WGIN EU Chapter communication channels and in relation to the annual organisation of the European Green Infrastructure Day.
  • Access to information and policy intelligence.
  • Speaking opportunities at workshop and events.
  • Access to European Commission civil servants, members of European Parliament and other institutional stakeholders.
  • Ability to attend WGIN board meetings (non-voting member).
  • Exclusive ability to attend EU Chapter working group meetings.
  • Ability to shape public policy.



In addition to growing the green roofs and walls market in the near future, the benefits of  the WGIN EU Chapter membership, include:

  • Ability to attend WGIN board meetings (non-voting member).
  • Exclusive ability to attend Working Group meetings (stormwater, biodiversity, clean air).
  • Access to European Commission civil servants and members of European Parliament.
  • Access to information and policy intelligence.
  • Ability to shape public policy.
  • Speaking opportunities at workshop and events.
  • Logo exchange and visibility through WGIN EU Chapter communication channels.


The annual fee is 25,000 Euros (VAT excluded) and WGIN requests from members a statement of intent for annual support over three years.

For Membership Inquiries:
Contact Jure Šumi (WGIN Treasurer)

For further information and inquiries:
Contact Luigi Petito (WGIN EU Chapter)



BuGG Focus “Solar Green Roof”

Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V. (BuGG) provides technical information on Solar Green Roofs. The detailed BuGG technical information “Solar Green Roof” comprises 52 pages, including plant lists,


Secretariat led by Business Solutions Europa.

Luigi Petito

Head of secretariat

Isabel Escobar

Junior Communication Officer