BuGG Market Report on Building Greening 2021

BuGG Market Report on Building Greening 2021

Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V. presents its Market report on Building Greening 2021: Green Roofs, Green Facades and Interior Greening in Germany.

Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V. (BuGG) published its first market report about 2020 which comprised an overview of the most important figures on green roofs, facades, and interiors in Germany. In doing so, a reference work has been created that, was used thousands of times by policymakers, industry, construction, the media, universities, and students.

With the present market report of 2021, the figures of the building greening market are updated, focusing on the increase of green roofs and facades, and the BuGG City Survey 2021 on municipal subsidy instruments.

* Excerpted translation of the original German version

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