Greener buildings to save energy and reduce emissions

Greener buildings to save energy and reduce emissions

WGIN EU Chapter highlights multiple benefits of greener buildings in its first feedback on the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive.

On 22 February, the European Commission published its Inception Impact Assessment on the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), requesting stakeholders to share their inputs.

The EU Chapter of the World Green Infrastructure Netowk (WGIN) submitted a comprehensive feedback highlighting how green infrastructure like green roofs and walls support the insulation of buildings and therefore contribute to reducing their energy consumption, a key step in the decarbonisation of the EU building stock. In addition, vegetated surfaces help reduce CO2 emissions, making buildings carbon sinks and improving air quality in urban areas, while also having a positive impact on citizens’ mental health.

Given green roofs and walls’ added value for the energy performance of buildings and beyond, the EPBD revision should introduce a set of mandatory provisions on green infrastructure in new buildings, public buildings (such as hospitals and schools) and large commercial buildings, where technically feasible. Moreover, the European Commission should include mandatory considerations for green roofs and walls on residential buildings undertaking major renovations.

“The revision of the EPBD represents a unique opportunity to set green infrastructure as an integral part of the future of buildings across Europe,” said Prof. Manfred Koehler, President of WGIN. “The multiple benefits of green roofs and walls fit perfectly with the goal of the Directive to achieve a decarbonised and highly energy-efficient building stock by 2050”.

The Inception Impact Assessment represents the first step in the consultation process of the European Commission on the EPBD. The legislative proposal on the EPBD revision is expected for the end of 2021.

Read WGIN feedback here

About us

The EU Chapter of the World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN) aims to increase the awareness of European Union policymakers about the multiple benefits of green infrastructure, with a specific focus on Building Integrated Vegetative Systems (green roofs and living walls).

WGIN brings together national and regional industry associations and renokwn experts to promote the incorporation of urban green infrastructure practice and planning, globally.

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