WGIN at Bled Strategic Forum 2021

WGIN at Bled Strategic Forum 2021



From year to year, we are facing stronger environmental changes. We are failing to meet the Paris 2°C target, sea levels are rising at an alarming rate, CO2 emissions remain at record levels. As more and more pressure arises to take action, we need to seek new, creative and bold solutions. What is the next step towards »Green Recovery«? Alongside environmental challenges, the past year has challenged humanity with the covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic brought rise to a variety of challenges, human wellbeing being one of them. From lock-down to lock-down, most of humanity saw the importance of social interactions affecting our society and individuals’ mental health. Yet from all of the challenges, human wellbeing remains the most understated. Have we foreseen the next step for »Human Recovery« as well?

We have long known that solving complex problems requires an interdisciplinary approach, that bringing people from various fields together can yield great results and that times of crises also give rise to new opportunities for change. The New European Bauhaus is a creative and interdisciplinary movement in the making, which is fast gaining momentum. It is a platform for experimentation, bringing together citizens, experts, businesses, and Institutions that want to design our future ways of living together. There are many correlations between mental health, wellbeing and nature. Looking at the future and the steps that we as leaders, companies and individuals must take, let’s ask ourselves if helping nature and driving »Green Recovery«, will also help us thrive as humans. Sustainability is not only about helping nature to heal, it is also about creating a thriving environment for humans in the long run.

How can we make the European Green Deal tangible? How do we ensure that changes are inclusive? Do the challenges which arose because of the COVID-19 pandemic also offer opportunities for a new approach? How can collaboration between sectors and industries boost the implementation of the Green Deal?


Dr Saša Bavec, Member of Executive Committee, Knauf Insulation Group

Ms Saša Božič, Founder and CEO, Sophia Academy

Mr Manfred Köhler, President, World Green Infrastructure

Ms Ruth Reichstein, The New European Bauhaus Initiative, Advisory Board to the President, European Commission

Mr David Thomson, Vice President, TFG Hotel Management Company

Ms Anja Zorko, Head, Center for Creativity, Museum of Architecture and Design

Ms Urška Zupanec, Head of Unit for the Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council 2021 program, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of Slovenia

Moderated by Mr Gregor Benčina, President, Center for Energy Efficient Solutions (CER)


More information: https://bledstrategicforum.org/programme/

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EFB Open Meeting – European Update, 25 February

The next  EFB Open Meeting – European Update will take place on 25 February 2025 from 17:00 – 19:00 CET. The EFB Open Meetings aim to provide a platform for all members of our member associations to come together, acquire and share knowledge, discuss industry trends, and foster collaboration within the green roof and wall community across Europe.The meeting is open and free of charge for all the members of the EFB Member Associations and Partnering Organizations. Meeting agenda Moderator: Dusty Gedge, Ambassador of the European Federation of Green Roof and Living Wall Associations (EFB) Speakers: Paulo Palha, President of the European Federation of Green Roof and Living Wall Associations (EFB) Egbert Roozen, secretary general of European Landscape Contractors Association (ELCA), SoGreen Alliance Renata Pollini, Head of Nature at Holcim Felix Mollenhauer, Project Work Coordinator at BuGG Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e. V. Find the full agenda here. Register here for the Open Meeting. The link to the meeting will be sent only to the registered participants one day before the event. Feel free to reach out with any questions via email at: office@efb-greenroof.eu

Monthly Webinar Series: Nature-Based Solutions for Post-Conflict Regions | April 2025

The “Nature Based Solutions for Post Conflict Regions” webinar is part of a monthly series launched with the support of WGIN, focusing on the reconstruction of green spaces in post-conflict regions. Date: April 2025Language: EnglishParticipation: By prior registration The event will highlight the goals and initiatives of the WGIN working group and discuss the advantages of green infrastructure in recovery efforts. Speakers: Marta Weber-Siwirska — Board Member of WGIN, President of the Polish Green Roof Association Oleksandra Strashok — Special Envoy on Post-Conflict Reconstruction, WGIN, Head and Co-Founder of the Ukrainian Association of Green Infrastructure Register here.

Greening Modern Cities 2025

The Greening Modern Cities conference will be held in Warsaw, Poland, on 21 March 2025. The main theme of the conference is the importance of greening buildings in urban areas in the context of climate change adaptation. Despite the one-day nature of the event, the conference has a packed programme, with speakers including Luigi Petito (Head of European Chapter at WGIN), Veranika Stopczyk (Ministry of Climate and Environment in Poland), Linda Velazqez (GREENROOFS.COM) and others. The event can be attended on-site in Warsaw or online. For more information and to register, please visit https://gmc.psdz.pl/