In April 2022, the European Green Market Report on green roofs and walls published a new study assessing the state of play of urban green infrastructure in Spain.
Taking Nature-Based-Solutions (NBS) as a reference, the 80-page publication consists of various chapters proposing a contemporary take on the historical situation, municipal scenarios, and urban architecture. A second section has been devoted to social perception through a national survey of scholars and professionals; and finally, a case study of Madrid exposes the evolution and trends at national level.
The study has been carried out thanks to an interdisciplinary collaboration between companies and civil organizations, constituting the working group: Pronatur, member of the Boards of Directors of WGIN and EFB; Agrarian Forum; itdUPM; Juan XXIII Roncalli Foundation and Actual Research.
The results of the study aim to highlight the important role that NBS must play in response to the challenges of our environment.
The study on Spain was carried out within the European Green Market Report on roofs and walls, which includes previous studies in the United Kingdom, Austria and Germany. The study follows the guidelines of the European Federation of Green Roofs and Walls and the World Green Infrastructure Network.