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EU chapter

European Green Infrastructure Day 2022

The policy conference organised by the WGIN EU Chapter took place online on 12 May, 2022. After the successful first edition launched last year, WGIN’s European Green Infrastructure Day (EGIDay) was back for another exciting series of discussions on how green roofs and walls can contribute to the European Green Deal and the European Union’s climate goals for 2030 and 2050. The EGIDay is a policy conference dedicated to exploring the state of affairs of urban green infrastructure in the European Union. The event aims to gather industry leaders, experts, stakeholders, and EU policymakers to discuss how to tap into the multiple benefits of green infrastructure for Europe’s climate and energy transition. Among the speakers were: View the full programme here.You can watch the event recordings below and on our YouTube channel.  Recordings:1. Welcome and Introduction2. Decarbonised, energy efficient and green: the future of the EU building stock3. Restoring nature in European cities: the role of green infrastructure4. The multiple benefits of green infrastructure for people and places

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