The Green roof Association of Switzerland will celebrate their 25th Anniversary on June 22nd

The Green roof Association of Switzerland will celebrate their 25th Anniversary on June 22nd

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On 22 June 2022, SFG will celebrate it’s 25th anniversary with a full-day event on current topics of building green.

Help shape the future – plan, debate, discuss common myths; the cityscape of tomorrow; and how climate resilience and human well-being can be improved.

The SFG-jubilee event on 25th of June will be an opportunity to connect European Green roof activities. The networking event with WGIN, EFB and national representatives of several organizations will focus on current trends in Green infrastructure in Switzerland.

The ecosystem services of green infrastructure and green buildings help us to tackle current and future challenges such as biodiversity promotion, urban heat island, air and quality of life and to actively shape the green city of the future. Join the discussion to shape the future!

Speakers include:

• Raphael Lanz, Mayor of Thun

• Claudia Moll, deputy chairman of Thun, Head of Section Landscape Policy, Federal Office for the Environment FOEN.

• Conrad Amber, nature-thinking author, consultant, photographer from Dornbirn.

• Beat Kohler, Grand Councillor of the Canton of Bern and chief editor of the trade journal “Erneuerbare Energien”

• Markus Weibel, Head of Stadtgrün Thun

• Jürg Grossen, Member of the National Council, President green liberals and swissolar

• Martin Vinzens, Head of section Settlement and Landscape, Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE

• Hanspeter Latour, Nature with Latour

• Nathalie Baumann and Anke Domschky, Research Group Green Space Development, Institute for Environment and Natural Resources, ZHAW

• Daniel Bärtschi, Head of Agriculture and Food at Quantis Switzerland, President Agricultura Regeneratio and author

• Nicolas Disch, Project Manager Green City of Zurich, Funding Programmes Biodiversity and Vertical Greening

• Stefan Herfort, Head of Nature and Landscape Protection City of Lucerne

• Stefan Oberholzer, Head of the SFOE Research Programme Photovoltaics, Federal Office of Energy ARE

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