World Congress of Building Greening 2021

World Congress of Building Greening 2021

Join us in Berlin!

The event has been postponed to 2022.

World Congress of Building Greening 2022
May 10 – 12, 2022

Theme: Building Greening
Mercure Hotel MOA Berlin; Stephanstraße 41; 10559 Berlin, GER

Please find more information here:

The World Green Building Congress 2021 in Berlin is a multi-day event on greening buildings (green roofs, facades and interior greening) with the accompanying issues (including urban climate, rainwater management, sustainability, future city). At the end of the congress it is possible to take part in excursions to special projects. The World Congress is organized by the Bundesverband GebäudeGrün eV (BuGG) with the support of the World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN).

The largest congress on “the greening of buildings” held in Europe so far, offers:

  • over 100 speakers from different countries
  • over 40 exhibitors at the accompanying trade exhibition
  • over 20 cooperation and media partners (associations, organizations, institutions)
  • Knowledge transfer on greening of buildings (greening of roofs, facades and interior)
  • Show best practice examples
  • Knowledge transfer by industry experts from Germany and abroad in parallel lectures and discussion groups
  • Networking. Meeting point. Addressing new target groups
  • Interdisciplinary exchange of experiences between city representatives, architects, town planners, urban water management, industrial and real estate representatives, manufacturers, processors, researchers, associations, politicians and other interested parties

The WGIN Congress is globally acknowledged as the peak event for green infrastructure dissemination on:-

  • research & development
  • building integrated vegetation (BIV) systems
  • international leading policy
  • best practice case studies
  • presented by global lead experts in their disciplines
  • an EXPO showcasing latest products, systems & technologies

Hosting a World Congress in 2022:

We WELCOME all bidding proposals to host our World Congress.

The process is simple and we are here to help and support your decision.We receive all applications to host our World Congress one month prior to our AGM in Berlin on 27th September 2021. Nations that bid will be considered by the WGIN board prior to a final decision of acceptance.

CONTACT the WGIN Vice President for further information:

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